Incident Reports Page Icons

For every report, there are functional icons available on the left. You will use these to manage your reports.

 These icons perform the following functions:

1.  Edit Record  used to make changes and record your investigative process.

2.  Show Record  displays a non-editable version of all report activity.

3.  Manage Files   allows files to be uploaded as documentation on a report.

4.  Manage Investigators  allows investigators to be assigned/removed on a specific incident report. 

5.  Manage Dialog  provides the capability to anonymously dialog with the reporter or send a message to Lighthouse.



There are also several icons on the Incident Reports page that allow a user to create a new report, produce an export of the report data, refresh the Incident Reports page, reset the filter criteria used to display the reports, print the current page, manage auto-assignment rules, and access the Audit Incident Report page.


Those icons and their functions are shown below.


Add a new incident report

An internal incident report can be created by clicking the 'Add' icon,  , on the toolbar.  Internal reports are created by CMS users who have been granted access permission and these reports are separate from Lighthouse-created reports.  To get more information on internal reports click here.


Exporting data

There are 3 icons to create an external report of the data in the Incident Reports Tab:

  1. Click the PDF icon, , on the tool bar to create a pdf document of ALL incident reports or those reports whose row checkbox is checked.
  2. Click the Excel icon, , on the tool bar to create an excel-formatted spreadsheet of ALL incident reports or those reports whose row checkbox is checked.
  3. Or click CSV icon, , on the tool bar to create a comma separated value (CSV)-formatted file of ALL incident reports or those reports whose row checkbox is checked.


If you want to create an external report that does not include all incident reports, you must use a filter which could include a date range, state, type, priority type, etc., before clicking the export icons.  You may also mark the checkboxes on only those rows on the screen you want exported.


Other icon features

There is also a Manage Auto-Assignment Rule icon,  and an Audit Incident Report icon, , available on the page toolbar for users with view audit permission.  The  icon can be used to manage users' auto-assignment rules and the  icon can be used to view the changes that have been made to an incident report since its creation.  To get additional information on the managing of auto-assignment rules click here.    To get additional information on the Audit page click here.            


page icons, icons, toolbar, incident reports page icons